
Celebration of Celebrations

The summer started with a big bang at RB and Girly Girls. Too many occasions to celebrate - graduations, birthdays, engagement, family from far visiting...

Only Half a Man

Teddy had to undergo the necessary evil last week. I took this picture with my phone when I picked him up. Jen said he looked like an English gentleman with a poor sense of fashion! Poor dude. He is well recovered and ready for a play date.


My Graduation

Finally, the big day came. It is official! I graduated from college.
Thanks for all your support through the last few semesters of working crazy hours and trying to finish my degree! Bri, RB and Cheryl I am so glad you came to support me when my own family is so far away!


Teddy Before his Haircut

This is Teddy before spring cleaning.

Teddy After his Haircut

The groomers at Muddy Paws did a great job. Teddy lost two pounds in hair, and he feels much happier.

Finders keepers. I am taking that ball home with me!

Introducing JD

Zack and Amanda got a new Rottweiler puppy. He is three months old and already much heavier than Teddy. Teddy is still the boss. We will see for how long.

Catch me if you can!


Dancer is Happy in her New Home

Jutta's horse Dancer is doing very well. Her wounds are almost healed up and the new saddle has been ordered, so in the next set of photos Jutta should be riding.

Also introducing Dancer's new companion - a miniature Sicilian donkey named Benjamin. They are known for being very cuddly and friendly. They like to nudge for attention. All true, he followed us around like a dog!


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