We took a LONG walk to one of my favorite places to photograh at - the Gibraltar. Zack wished he had brought his skateboard, but we all made it there and back. Brian took most of the photos, but I had to share them.
Here is an undeniable proof that Brian wore a Hawaiian shirt to Heather's wedding. Supposedly my outfit was no Hawaiian, but where is the proof? We both had a really good time being part of Heather and Tim's big day.
We had a really good time at Heather and Tim's wedding/hawaiian luau. The weather couldn't have been better. Everything else came together super great as well. Congrats guys!
Lili graduated from Little Gym today and she did a fantastic job in gymnastics, tap and ballet. Maya watched the performance and she participated from the sidelines.
Yesterday, I found myself at the LPGA Junior Golf Clinic at the Bulle Rock Golf Course in Havre de Grace taking photos for the Urban Youth Golf Group. The weather couldn't have been any better and the children any happier, especially when Ronald McDonlad help them put. The day ended with a show presented by Dennis Walters. But the true star of the was his dog Benji Hogan who can bark out answers to math questions faster than the kids can calculate them.